Thursday, 9 February 2017

Following school rules.

This week, we have reminded ourselves of the school ‘Code of Conduct’ that we all follow at Guildford Grove.

We have one rule at our school and that is ‘Everyone will be polite, respectful and considerate at all times.’

I visited the classrooms last week and saw so many children modelling our one rule. It made me feel extremely proud of our pupils.

Amelia remembering to put on her coat for play and she is walking sensibly out onto the playground.

5B following Mr Bibby’s instructions on how to be good ‘talk partners’.

Children working hard and showing respect for all adults.

Excellent focus from 6H. They are making it as easy as possible for the children to learn and the teacher to teach!

Being polite to our reading volunteers.

Recorder club! They were excellent at following instructions.  Mrs Seymour even joined in!

Ronnie showing great focus in 6H. This was a Friday afternoon science lesson.

Many thanks,

Rona Mackie

Monday, 9 January 2017

Year 5/6 Apprentice week

Well done to all our Year 5 and 6 children who planned and organised such a successful cake sale. They spent all week preparing for the event, working in teams to plan their own cake stall. The children were challenged to ensure that their stall made the most profit. They worked hard to ensure that all team members were involved and were able to use many of their maths skills throughout the week.
The winning team were hired by Dame Sugar! The whole event  made a fantastic profit of over £300 which will help reduce the cost of the Year 5 and Year 6 trips to London.

Many thanks,

Rona Mackie

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

KS1 Performance

I had the pleasure of watching our Year 1 and 2 children perform in the ‘Hopeless Camel’ Nativity performance today. I was hugely impressed with the quality of their singing, signing and the narrators confident speaking. They knew all their words!

I know that our parents were very impressed with the acting too. The camels were a real joy to watch as well as the wise men and King Herod! Our Year 1 children also danced beautifully. 

Many thanks to the whole KS1 team who spent a lot of time and effort into making the show such a success.

Here are some photos for you to enjoy.

Many thanks,

Rona Mackie 

Monday, 12 December 2016

Christmas Performances

It’s that time of year where Christmas really comes to life at Guildford Grove.

I wanted to say how impressed I was with our KS2 pupils last week with their wonderful singing, signing and narration of the Christmas story. It was fantastic to hear so many traditional Christmas carols but I also enjoyed the modern alternative version of ‘Jingle Bells’ from our after school KS2 choir. Our children sing so beautifully with such passion and it really is a joy to watch every year.

This week, we are all looking forward to our Foundation Stage and our Key Stage 1 Nativity performances. These are always very magical and I know our parents and carers really enjoy seeing their children on stage.

To finish off here is a letter I received from Mrs Dobbs, one of our long standing reading volunteers, following our KS2 Christmas Carol concert last week. As you can see, she was very impressed with our pupils!

Many thanks,

Rona Mackie

Thursday, 1 December 2016

Jolly Jam Jars

I had the privilege to judge the winners of the Jolly Jam Jar competition. We had hundreds of entries and it was extremely tough to select winners.

I was so impressed with the time and energy that the children had clearly put into making them. They were all very creative and Christmassy!

Here are some photos of the winning jars.

Well done to everyone who brought in a jolly jam jar and don’t forget to come to our Christmas Fayre tonight where you could win one!

Many thanks,

Rona Mackie

Monday, 31 October 2016

Vote for Guildford Grove!

We are delighted to announce that Guildford Grove has been selected to receive funding from 'Tesco’s Bags of Help' initiative. 

We need you to vote for our project to get a shelter built on the playground to provide shade in the summer as well as to be used as an outdoor classroom.

So go to any Tesco's store in Guildford, Milford or Ashvale and vote for our school. Spread the word and get your family and friends to vote for us too!

We need to win so we can get the £12,000 that we need to build the shelter.

Voting starts today and continues until November 13th.

Friday, 16 September 2016

Our School Council

We are really lucky at Guildford Grove as we have the most amazing school council. Our school council representatives come from our Year 5 and 6 classes and they apply for their roles. Each week they meet to discuss how they can help us continue to make improvements to our school. Both governors of the school and teachers have been hugely impressed with the impact the school council have had over the years.

Today, I met the new joint chairs and the new vice chair. These children had to stand up in front of the school council members and deliver a speech to convince them to vote for them. So huge congratulations to Tommy, Matthew and Kayleigh and I look forward to working closely with them throughout the year!

Our joint chairs of the school council, Tommy and Matthew.

Our vice-chair, Kayleigh.

Rona Mackie