Monday 19 October 2015

Representing Guildford Grove

This week, our whole school theme is 'Representing Guildford Grove'. The children are thinking carefully about all the times that they are representing our school when they are either wearing their school uniform or their PE kit. This can be either attending an after school club or even walking to and from school. We are reminding children that their behaviour at these times should be exactly the same as the excellent behaviour they model in class. All our visitors to Guildford Grove always comment on how engaged and how well behaved all our pupils are.

This was really apparent during our first ever netball match. Our year 5 and 6 netball club played a game against St Bede's school on the MUGA after school. Lots of parents and teachers cheered them on and they really made us proud. Considering they had only been playing netball for a matter of weeks, they really preserved and made big improvements as the match progressed. We were very proud of how brilliantly they represented Guildford Grove. Thank you to Mrs Robson for organising the game and thank you to Miss Jones (5J) for coaching the team. 

This week is also our annual 'Book Week' and we are all looking forward to the week ahead.

Many thanks,

Rona Mackie

Friday 9 October 2015

School Council

At Guildford Grove, we have a fantastic school council made up of Year 5 and 6 children. The school council meet weekly and feedback regularly to the other children in the school. 

Over the years, our school council have contributed to making improvements to our school including setting up activities on the playground at lunchtimes and leading anti-bullying week. Some of our school council have also been involved in the recruitment of teachers and have led workshops for staff, parents and governors. 

Today, I had a chat with our new chair of the school council, Lauren McIntyre. She was in school council last year and stepped into this important role in September. She has a clear vision about what the school council will focus on this year and is keen to have a positive impact. I have every faith that she will do this. Congratulations Lauren and well done school council!

Tuesday 22 September 2015


I was so pleased to see our new Reception children enjoying their first ever lunchtimes at Guildford Grove last week. I popped out onto the playground on Thursday and I was delighted to see our youngest children enjoying the range of activities on offer to them. 

Our older pupils were fantastic and were so keen to help and play with their younger peers. It was really lovely to see siblings playing and supporting their younger sisters and brothers. It made me very proud of our school!

The lunchtime supervisors have also set up a quiet area in the courtyard where our Reception pupils can go to if the playground is a bit too big and busy for them. 

Here are some pictures to enjoy!

Rona Mackie

Friday 11 September 2015

Theme of the week - Having good table manners!

This week, we focused on what it means to have good table manners. During our Monday morning assembly, we discussed what good behaviour looks like in the dining hall and came up with some fantastic ideas to have in a 'dining hall code of conduct'. They remembered that children should eat with their mouths closed and they should try and keep all of their food on their plate (rather than on the floor!). Some of our teachers also became pupils in the assembly and they acted out poor table manners. Our pupils came to their rescue and were able to help them correct their behaviour. They reminded them to have quiet conversations with the children on their table, to use a knife and fork correctly and how to sit nicely on their seat. This week, I spent a lot of time in the dining hall and was really impressed with our pupils' table manners. I enjoyed having conversations with them about their learning during the week and they all made sure they finished eating before they spoke to me.

Enjoy the photos of today's lunch. The children from Year One to Year Six really enjoyed their food today. You can see by their happy faces!

Have a lovely weekend.

Rona Mackie

Friday 4 September 2015

Start to the new school year

It has been a delight to see the children return to school looking so smart and refreshed after their summer holidays. It was lovely to see them excited about joining their new classes and getting to know their new teachers and teaching assistants. I have also enjoyed spending time on the playground over the last couple of days where the children have been loving catching up with old friends as well as getting to know new ones too!

I spent this afternoon walking around the school and popping into every class. In all classes I saw the children looking very settled and displaying very positive attitudes to their learning. In the photos you can see the children playing well together, completing art, spelling and writing activities and reading to their teachers. 

Creating a penguin in 1T

Playing collaboratively

Making patterns

The pupils of 1S enjoying playing together

There have been lots of smiling children this week.

Taking turns in 2J

Our pupils enjoying a game in 2J

Miss Jones hearing readers

TJ reading to Mrs Bowen in 2P

Children in 2P enjoying some art

Mrs Robson said Paige had been a star this week

Children publishing work in 5J

Ellie making her bookmark in 5B

Working hard in 5B

Jessica's beautiful bookmark

Lots of smiles in 5B. It's great to have Luke back too!

Reece has had a great start in 6K

Josh E showing an excellent attitude to his learning

Amber-Louise and Rhia enjoying their spelling session

A great end to the week for Tyler in 6J

A perfect start for Lyndon

Aimee enjoying her conversation with Miss Ryder and Mrs Pedder

Have a fantastic weekend.

Rona Mackie