At the start of the week, the pupils enjoyed an assembly focusing on a couple of sporting successes. They enjoyed watching clips of the European golfers retaining the Ryder Cup. There were lots of cheers and gasps at some of the amazing shots played. Mrs Johnstone spoke about how the players had worked as a team and how they all had to overcome challenges to go on to succeed. The pupils also heard about Mrs Johnstone facing her own challenge of running a half marathon at the weekend and she spoke about what helped her to get through the long race to reach her goal. With this in mind, I spent the week spotting moments of success amongst our own pupils inside and outside of the classroom.
Throughout the week, many of our pupils have come to show me how proud they are of a piece of work. Their books are always a joy to see and I hope parents/carers will enjoy having a chance to look at them during next week's parents' consultations.
Sarah and Ellie showing me their excellent work on subtraction! |
Congratulations are also in order for some of our Year 5 and 6 children. Our School Council met for the first time this week and some important roles were decided. Suyog is now the Chair of our School Council and is supported by his Vice Chairs, Mya and Dillan. The School Council do a fantastic job of representing the voice of our pupils and are regularly given opportunities to be involved in key decision making for our school. A photo of the full School Council will be added next week. Congratulations also to our Year 6 lunchtime helpers. These are children that have been chosen to play an important role at lunchtimes. They help the younger children and organise games. It is a very important job to have and I was really impressed with how skilful they all were when I watched them in action on Thursday. We have so many future leaders amongst our pupils.
Our Year 6 lunchtime helpers - Summer, Morgan, Amy, Evita, Ben, Daniel and Billy. |
Finally, on Friday I was called to come and hear one of our Year 6 pupils playing the school piano. I was amazed with how confident he was to play in front of his whole class. All the pupils were so supportive of him and it was lovely to see. Our pupils really support one another and enjoy celebrating other people's successes not just their own. It was a great way to finish the week.
Stephen playing the piano. |
Rona Mackie