Monday, 19 October 2015

Representing Guildford Grove

This week, our whole school theme is 'Representing Guildford Grove'. The children are thinking carefully about all the times that they are representing our school when they are either wearing their school uniform or their PE kit. This can be either attending an after school club or even walking to and from school. We are reminding children that their behaviour at these times should be exactly the same as the excellent behaviour they model in class. All our visitors to Guildford Grove always comment on how engaged and how well behaved all our pupils are.

This was really apparent during our first ever netball match. Our year 5 and 6 netball club played a game against St Bede's school on the MUGA after school. Lots of parents and teachers cheered them on and they really made us proud. Considering they had only been playing netball for a matter of weeks, they really preserved and made big improvements as the match progressed. We were very proud of how brilliantly they represented Guildford Grove. Thank you to Mrs Robson for organising the game and thank you to Miss Jones (5J) for coaching the team. 

This week is also our annual 'Book Week' and we are all looking forward to the week ahead.

Many thanks,

Rona Mackie

Friday, 9 October 2015

School Council

At Guildford Grove, we have a fantastic school council made up of Year 5 and 6 children. The school council meet weekly and feedback regularly to the other children in the school. 

Over the years, our school council have contributed to making improvements to our school including setting up activities on the playground at lunchtimes and leading anti-bullying week. Some of our school council have also been involved in the recruitment of teachers and have led workshops for staff, parents and governors. 

Today, I had a chat with our new chair of the school council, Lauren McIntyre. She was in school council last year and stepped into this important role in September. She has a clear vision about what the school council will focus on this year and is keen to have a positive impact. I have every faith that she will do this. Congratulations Lauren and well done school council!