Thursday, 25 January 2018

'Wonderful world' week

This week is our ‘Wonderful World’ week where we learn about different countries and cultures from around the world. We are really lucky at GG as we have a number of children who come from other countries and in fact we have 27 different languages spoken amongst our pupils.

This week our children have been engaged in a range of activities. There has been a lot of cooking and our school has been filled with wonderful aromas from around the world. There has been a lot of wonderful art being produced too and I saw some wonderful ‘Chinese New Year dragons' in Year 1 today.

 We also have Jim the drummer in who has been running workshops with the children. Rumour has it that he even did a workshop with the teachers and they will be performing that to the school tomorrow!

Parents of Year 6 children are invited to watch their children perform at 3pm on Friday. They’re in for a treat!

Rona Mackie

Year 6 Trip to London

I was lucky enough to attend the Year 6 trip to London at the start of term. I don’t often get to go out on school visits but I was excited to be invited along to this one.

We had a great time at the Science museum in the morning where the children got to go to the wonderlab. The wonderlab is fantastic and the children are encouraged to touch and play with everything. They had explainers everywhere who were adults ready to explain what was happening scientifically on each activity. Our children learned so much and had fun at the same time!

We then visited the Lyceum Theatre to watch ‘The Lion King’. We all loved the show and the children were so amazed by the set, the costumes, the puppetry and the music. Mrs Schollar’s brother was conducting the show and he gave us all a special wave! Some of the public who had bought tickets to the show commented on how wonderfully our children behaved during the performance.

Well done Year 6!

Rona Mackie

Monday, 8 January 2018

Start of term at GG

We were delighted to welcome our pupils back today for the new term. They have started 2018 in an incredibly positive way and I was really impressed to see them settle so quickly into their lessons this morning.

It’s a cold week so we are encouraging children to come to school in a warm coat with a hat, scarf and gloves (all named please). It’s great for them to get fresh air at playtime and lunchtime but we want them to be well wrapped up against the cold.

During our INSET days last week, the staff focused on learning about children’s brains and how they retain learning in their memory. As I walked around the Year 5/6 classrooms today, I saw our pupils working on inputting learning into their long term memory as they completed their five minute speedy maths task. This is a great daily task that tests their memory to recall key mathematical concepts and the children love it!

Here are some photos to show how focused they were.

I am very much looking forward to the term ahead to see what more our pupils can achieve.

Many thanks,

Rona Mackie