It has been a couple of weeks since my last blog so I have two entries today.
My first is about the brilliant school trips our pupils have recently experienced and how our parents/carers of children in Years 1 and 2 stay up to date with their children's learning.
Over the past few weeks, our pupils across the school have enjoyed days out to visit places such as Windsor Castle, Sayers Croft, Tooting in London and the Tate Modern. These trips are always linked to the children's current topic and they really help to support the pupils' learning. We are always extremely proud of the behaviour of our children on school trips and we receive glowing comments from members of the public and staff at the museums.
This is a photo from the Year 1/2 trip to Windsor Castle. Paige was pretending to be a queen and she was turning Jack into a knight. Apparently, all the children had to bow and curtsey when she walked into the room. Brilliant!
Here are Bailey, Jay and Alfie from the Lighthouse copying the sentry on duty outside of the castle. You can see them in action on the video below.
Here is a picture of some of the children from 5J. Luckily, it wasn't raining at this point! The mud came later.
More photos are on our website from the Tate Modern and many of the Lighthouse children's trips.
I have also heard about a fantastic new opportunity in Years 1 and 2 for our pupils to share their learning with their parents/carers. Each week, the children invite their parents/carers into the class to show them one of their class books. Mrs Peacock explained that the pupils talk through their work themselves and are very proud to show off their lovely school books. I was delighted to hear how many parents/carers and even grandparents attended.
Miles reading out his writing to his captive audience! |
Megan proudly showing her writing to her mum and brother, Liam. |
Robert showing his mum his excellent maths! |
Mohammed explaining his writing to his dad. |
Rona Mackie
Head of School
What a great idea this is! I think we should definitely borrow this fantastic idea and start to do something similar in years 3 and 4 too.