This week, we held our annual 'Wonderful World Week'.
We started the week celebrating diversity and discovered the variety of nationalities that we have at our school. This became one of our themes of the week!
The other theme focused on food. We were really lucky to be visited by a range of local restaurants throughout the week who put on cooking demonstrations and also got the children cooking too. It created a real buzz around the school! Thank you to Sir and Madam, Ask, Jamie's Italian, Yo Sushi and Burrito Loco for running the sessions for free.
Ask session with Year 1 where they tried pasta and sorbet and learnt about where food comes from |
Jamie's Italian came in to help the Year 6 children make crostini bread starters |
Burrito Loco having fun with Year 2 |
At the end of the week, we welcomed back Jim who visits us every year to run our drumming workshops. The children love his sessions and we all enjoyed his assembly today where he played the steel pans to 'Under the sea' and 'Let it go'. The children sang along beautifully.
Jim working with our Year 6 and Lighthouse children |
Many thanks to Mr Crossley and Mr Thomas for organising such a successful week. I know many of you will either be attending the Year 6 drumming assembly or going to our open classroom session at the end of the day to see what your child has learnt about this week.
Have a lovely weekend,
Rona Mackie
Head of School
Wonderful world week has been amazing and wonderful says Jessica.