Friday, 22 May 2015

Halfway through the summer term!

Well it certainly feels like the last few weeks have flown by and lots has been happening at Guildford Grove. We have enjoyed many performances including the KS1 spring concert as well as a number of class assemblies. All were a joy to watch and as usual our children performed wonderfully. 

Last week, our Year 6 pupils completed their SATs tests. We were so proud of how hard they worked to prepare for them and they tackled the tests with positive attitudes. They are currently in Wales enjoying a sunny week of activities. I'm not sure how much sleep either the pupils or the staff have had but we are looking forward to welcoming them back tonight!

As always, I have been regularly popping into the classrooms to chat to the pupils and find out about their learning. Today, I really enjoyed looking at the bird feeders that Year 2 pupils have been making and seeing the space boxes that the Year 3 and 4 children had designed. Our pupils really are a talented bunch!

Last week, I was also lucky enough to sit in on some auditions for our summer production of 'Grease'. I was amazed with the confidence I saw in our children. They were not fazed at all by the process despite being asked to sing and act. I am very much looking forward to the rehearsals beginning after half term.

Finally, a big well done to Daisy in 4C who had a poem published in the Surrey Advertiser. It was a lovely poem all about Guildford Grove and how cool her new school is. The poem really brought a smile to my face just like the assembly this morning from 1S.

Here are some photos to enjoy!

Daisy's poem in the Surrey Advertiser

Some of the Year 6 girls in their audition

Mrs Schollar and Mrs Johnstone working with some of the boys in their audition

Miles, David and Rodin in 2P showing me their bird feeder

Leah's space box

Grace even went home and made her own space box

Kian and TJ's space boxes
Gabriello and Amy in 6J working hard on their writing
The whole school enjoying Foundation Stage's assembly about the Three Billy Goats Gruff

I hope everyone enjoys a lovely half term holiday!

Rona Mackie
Head of School


  1. The Space Boxes across year 3 and 4 were fantastic and we loved sharing these with other children from different classes.

  2. Daisy's poem is also fantastic and 4C are so proud of her progress since joining GG and pleased she is a member of our class!


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