Friday, 11 September 2015

Theme of the week - Having good table manners!

This week, we focused on what it means to have good table manners. During our Monday morning assembly, we discussed what good behaviour looks like in the dining hall and came up with some fantastic ideas to have in a 'dining hall code of conduct'. They remembered that children should eat with their mouths closed and they should try and keep all of their food on their plate (rather than on the floor!). Some of our teachers also became pupils in the assembly and they acted out poor table manners. Our pupils came to their rescue and were able to help them correct their behaviour. They reminded them to have quiet conversations with the children on their table, to use a knife and fork correctly and how to sit nicely on their seat. This week, I spent a lot of time in the dining hall and was really impressed with our pupils' table manners. I enjoyed having conversations with them about their learning during the week and they all made sure they finished eating before they spoke to me.

Enjoy the photos of today's lunch. The children from Year One to Year Six really enjoyed their food today. You can see by their happy faces!

Have a lovely weekend.

Rona Mackie

Friday, 4 September 2015

Start to the new school year

It has been a delight to see the children return to school looking so smart and refreshed after their summer holidays. It was lovely to see them excited about joining their new classes and getting to know their new teachers and teaching assistants. I have also enjoyed spending time on the playground over the last couple of days where the children have been loving catching up with old friends as well as getting to know new ones too!

I spent this afternoon walking around the school and popping into every class. In all classes I saw the children looking very settled and displaying very positive attitudes to their learning. In the photos you can see the children playing well together, completing art, spelling and writing activities and reading to their teachers. 

Creating a penguin in 1T

Playing collaboratively

Making patterns

The pupils of 1S enjoying playing together

There have been lots of smiling children this week.

Taking turns in 2J

Our pupils enjoying a game in 2J

Miss Jones hearing readers

TJ reading to Mrs Bowen in 2P

Children in 2P enjoying some art

Mrs Robson said Paige had been a star this week

Children publishing work in 5J

Ellie making her bookmark in 5B

Working hard in 5B

Jessica's beautiful bookmark

Lots of smiles in 5B. It's great to have Luke back too!

Reece has had a great start in 6K

Josh E showing an excellent attitude to his learning

Amber-Louise and Rhia enjoying their spelling session

A great end to the week for Tyler in 6J

A perfect start for Lyndon

Aimee enjoying her conversation with Miss Ryder and Mrs Pedder

Have a fantastic weekend.

Rona Mackie

Friday, 12 June 2015

Georgia's Bench

On Monday, we held a dedication ceremony for Georgia's bench. It was lovely welcoming her family into school and being able to celebrate the time Georgia spent at Guildford Grove and remember the wonderful pupil she was.

As part of the ceremony, Mrs Scrivener (Georgia's teacher in Year 1) spoke about her memories of Georgia and read a beautiful piece of writing that Georgia wrote during her time here. A small group of children then sang 'Somewhere over the rainbow' and Georgia's family members and friends from Year 4 tied some personalised decorations and messages to the new blossom tree. To mark the end of the event, brightly coloured balloons were released. 

Georgia's bench
I would like to thank the PTA for helping the school to design a fitting tribute to Georgia and organising its installation along with our new tree. We are so pleased that we now have a wonderful bench that children and families can enjoy for years to come. We will never forget Georgia.

The choir singing 'Somewhere over the rainbow'
Releasing the balloons
Georgia's parents with Mrs Scrivener
Georgia's family standing by the new blossom tree

Rona Mackie
Head of School

Friday, 22 May 2015

Halfway through the summer term!

Well it certainly feels like the last few weeks have flown by and lots has been happening at Guildford Grove. We have enjoyed many performances including the KS1 spring concert as well as a number of class assemblies. All were a joy to watch and as usual our children performed wonderfully. 

Last week, our Year 6 pupils completed their SATs tests. We were so proud of how hard they worked to prepare for them and they tackled the tests with positive attitudes. They are currently in Wales enjoying a sunny week of activities. I'm not sure how much sleep either the pupils or the staff have had but we are looking forward to welcoming them back tonight!

As always, I have been regularly popping into the classrooms to chat to the pupils and find out about their learning. Today, I really enjoyed looking at the bird feeders that Year 2 pupils have been making and seeing the space boxes that the Year 3 and 4 children had designed. Our pupils really are a talented bunch!

Last week, I was also lucky enough to sit in on some auditions for our summer production of 'Grease'. I was amazed with the confidence I saw in our children. They were not fazed at all by the process despite being asked to sing and act. I am very much looking forward to the rehearsals beginning after half term.

Finally, a big well done to Daisy in 4C who had a poem published in the Surrey Advertiser. It was a lovely poem all about Guildford Grove and how cool her new school is. The poem really brought a smile to my face just like the assembly this morning from 1S.

Here are some photos to enjoy!

Daisy's poem in the Surrey Advertiser

Some of the Year 6 girls in their audition

Mrs Schollar and Mrs Johnstone working with some of the boys in their audition

Miles, David and Rodin in 2P showing me their bird feeder

Leah's space box

Grace even went home and made her own space box

Kian and TJ's space boxes
Gabriello and Amy in 6J working hard on their writing
The whole school enjoying Foundation Stage's assembly about the Three Billy Goats Gruff

I hope everyone enjoys a lovely half term holiday!

Rona Mackie
Head of School

Thursday, 30 April 2015

Amazing news about an ex Guildford Grove pupil

We were delighted to hear that Graham Spencer, a former pupil at Guildford Grove, won the under 14s London mini marathon wheelchair race on Sunday. His win was shown on the BBC1 coverage of the London marathon where he was interviewed and awarded his trophy. 

Our pupils met Graham last summer when we held a special assembly which Graham, his coach Jenny Archer and his mentor David Weir all attended.   

On Monday's assembly, we celebrated Graham's win and discussed how hard work and dedication can help people succeed. 

So congratulations to Graham and we can't wait to hear about all his future successes.

Graham Spencer at the London mini marathon

Rona Mackie
Head of School

Friday, 17 April 2015

Attendance assembly

I hope you all enjoyed the Easter holidays. We have been so lucky with this wonderful weather and it has been fantastic to see all the children playing happily on the field this week. After the assembly on Monday about sun safety, I was pleased to see children wearing hats and suncream to protect them on the playground and on the field.

This morning, I was delighted to present the 100% attendance certificates for the Spring Term to our pupils in our Friday assembly. It is incredible that 135 pupils received a certificate. This is a fantastic result! Here are some photos to celebrate (unfortunately not all the children who received a certificate are in the photos). The winning class with the most amount of 100% attendance certificates was 6K with 13 children. Well done 6K! Also well done to Year 4 and Year 2 for having the most certificates in a year group.

6K - The winning class!
I will also post pictures of our Foundation Stage children when they receive their certificates next week. I must say that we were very proud of our Reception children this week. They attended a local sports event and competed against a number of other schools. They had a fantastic time and represented our school perfectly. 

Have a fantastic weekend everyone,

Rona Mackie
Head of School